Thursday, 16 August 2012

15/08/2012 - Mansfield (w)

C. Mansfiled set this problem in
1932.  White to move and mate
in two moves.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

14/08/2012 - Out-gunned (w)

Black is clearly out-gunned and 
with White to move he can be
mated in 2 moves. Can you 
work it out?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Monday, 13 August 2012

12/08/2012 - 3 Move Mate (w)

White to move and mate in 3.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

11/08/2012 - Four Moves (w)

White is to move and needs to 
mate in 4 moves, can you workout
the solution?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Friday, 10 August 2012

10/08/2012 -Mate in 3 (w)

White to move and force a mate
in three moves.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

09/08/2012 - Mate in 5 (w)

Quite a difficult puzzle. It is White
to move and mate in 5.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

08/08/2012 - 2 Simple (w)

White to move and win in two 
simple moves.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

07/08/2012 - Modern Puzzle (w)

This trap is from the Modern 
Defence. White to play and win.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Monday, 6 August 2012

06/08/2012 - Easy Mate (w)

White to move and mate in 3.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

05/08/2012 - Q+N=# (w)

Queens and Knights can often lead
to mates. Can you see White's
quickest route to mate?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

04/08/2012 - Behind? (w)

White looks in trouble but has a
good move. Can you see it?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Friday, 3 August 2012

03/08/2012 - Improve (w)

It is White to move and improve 
their position. Can you see how?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

02/08/2012 - Problem! (w)

F. B. Allen published this in 1938,
in British Chess Magazine.
White to move and mate in 2.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

01/08/2012 - Mate in Deux (w)

Another from B. J. De C. Andrade,
 taken from The Problemist,1941 
White to move and mate in 2.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

31/07/2012 - Mate in II (w)

Composed by C. S. Kipping and 
published in the Falkirk Herald, in
1923. White to move and mate in 2.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

30/07/2012 - Mate in 2 (w)

Taken from Chess 1944 and
composed by by R.I. Gunn.
White to move and mate in 2.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

30/08/2012 - Technical Update

Due to unforeseen circumstances there have not been new puzzles produced for the last three days.  These puzzles will be available from tomorrow. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

29/07/2012 - Mistake! (b)

White plays 7.a3 and after 7...Nxe5
Black blunders with 8.axb4.
Why is that a blunder?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Saturday, 28 July 2012

28/07/2012 - Mate in 3 (b)

Taken from Meo-Guistolizzi, 1959,
Black is to move and mate in 3.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Friday, 27 July 2012

27/07/2012 - Olympic Special (w)

Okay... Chess Olypmiad!
Taken from E. Bhend-H. Kramer, 
from Helsinki in 1952, it is White
to move and win.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Thursday, 26 July 2012

26/07/2012 - In the Net (w)

White has managed to create a 
mating net around the Black King.
White can now mate in 3 moves,
can you see what them moves are?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

25/07/2012 - Mate in 4 (b)

It looks bad for Black but Black 
is to move and mate in 4
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

24/07/2012 - Easier (w)

After yesterday's tricky one, here
is an easier mate in 4, with White
to move.
(Solution on "solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Monday, 23 July 2012

23/07/2012 - Tricky (w)

Composed by D. A. Smedley, from
1952's The Problemist, White is to
move and win in 2, but it is trickier
than you might think!
(Solution on "solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Sunday, 22 July 2012

22/07/2012 - White 2 Win (w)

White to move and win in 2 move.
(Solution on "solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Saturday, 21 July 2012

21/07/2012 - Black's Chance (b)

Black has a chance to move and 
getting a winning outcome.
What is that move?
(Solution on "solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Friday, 20 July 2012

20/07/2012 - Scotch Again (w)

Black has made another mess
of the Scotch Gambit, but how
dies White capitalise?
(Solution on "solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Thursday, 19 July 2012

19/07/2012 - Opening Blunder (w)

White to move and take advantage
from Black's opening blunder.
(Solution on "solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

18/07/2012 - Endgame Puzzle (w)

White can win but the move order 
is very important.  Can you work 
out the winning move?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

17/07/2012 - Devastation (w)

White to move and make a game 
finishing move and mate sequence.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Monday, 16 July 2012

16/07/2012 - Mate in 5 (w)

It looks easier than it is.
White to move and mate in 5.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Update: 16/07/2012

This week I've added the first King and Pawn endgame, which will be one of the pages I update (on a rotating weekly basis).  For many this is very basic stuff, but it will continue to be built upon until we are looking at much complex endgames.

Apart from that... I've managed to catch up on many of the July solutions and I'm hoping to continue that trend this week.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

15/07/2012 - Advantage Me (w)

White can move and take advantage,
 can you see how?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Saturday, 14 July 2012

14/07/2012 - Mate in 2 (w)

By B J de C Andrade (1942) and
taken from The Problemist, it is
White to move and Mate in 2.
Black to move and mate in 4.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Friday, 13 July 2012

13/07/2012 - Zugzwang (w)

White to move and win this game 
as quickly as possible.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Thursday, 12 July 2012

12/07/2012 - Mate in 4 (b)

Black to move and mate in 4.
Can you work out the solution?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

11/07/2012 - Best Move? (w)

Taken from Keres-Levenfish (1947)
White can move and win... 
but how?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

10/07/2012 - For a While (w)

Another mate in 3, with White to 
move, but the last easy one for a
while - I promise!
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Monday, 9 July 2012

Update: 09/07/2012

As this blog/app grows I've decided to write a weekly update.

On the puzzle front, this week has seen the completion of June's solutions and the start of July's.  I hope to be fully up-to-date with July's by tomorrow evening  I check these carefully, but if you see a mistake let me know and I'll happily correct them.

There's also been the release of the first lesson - on the "Pawn Endgame Principles" page.  I'll be adding more principles as well as endgame studies, opening lessons and middlegame studies.  To help cater for every reader, these will range from the beginner to master level.  The first lesson this week is definitely beginner.

Finally, I want to say thank you for your feedback. I have an average of 170 reading this blog each day, via the blog, which has been downloaded nearly 200 times now.  This started as a basic blog, which someone suggested I released as an app and as long as 1 person reads I will continue to write, so thank you.


09/07/2012 - Mate in 2 Again (w)

Another mate in 2, with White to 
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Sunday, 8 July 2012

08/07/2012 - Mate in 2 (w)

Quite a simple mate in 2, with 
White to move.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Saturday, 7 July 2012

07/07/2012 - Death or Glory (w)

White looks certain to lose their 
Queen but has a trick up their sleeve 
a mate in 3. White to move. Can you 
solve it?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Friday, 6 July 2012

06/072012 - Experts Beware (w)

By H. D'O Benard from 1938,
 Cape Town, White to mate in 2!
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Thursday, 5 July 2012

05/07/2012 - Mate in 4 (w)

This puzzle is a take from a puzzle
by Comins Mansfield 
(from American Bulletin, 1953). 
White to mate in 2.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

04/07/2012 - Mate in 3 (w)

Not too difficult, with White to move, 
here's a mate in 3 to solve.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

03/07/2012 - From Gambit (b)

After 1.f4 e5 2.fxe5 d6 3.exd6 Bxd6 
4.e4 Black can move and win.
Can you work out the winning move?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Monday, 2 July 2012

02/07/2012 - Karpov's Win (b)

Taken from Korchnoi-Karpov (1978)
Black to move and mate in 3
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Thank You and Feedback

Hi Guys,

I'm Mike and this is my app!  I know its a really simple app at the moment, which works off blogger, but I quite like it this way... a "daily chess puzzle".  At the moment there's a nice page to view some live amateur games and shortly I'll be adding a "weekly lesson".

Other changes are that I'll be archiving monthly solutions and putting these on separate pages, so that you don't have to wait an age for the "solutions" page to load.

I'd really appreciate a few 5 star ratings, so if you get chance please press your menu button and rate this app.

Chess is my hobby and I hope you appreciate you daily chess puzzle.



01/07/2012 - White's Best Move (w)

White to move and find the 
winning move.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Saturday, 30 June 2012

30/06/2012 - Mate in 3 (w)

White to move and mate in 3.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Friday, 29 June 2012

29/06/2012 - Greedy Black (w)

In this position Black plays 5...Nxe4
But this is a poisoned Pawn.
Can you see why?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Thursday, 28 June 2012

28/06/2012 - Advantage Black (b)

Taken from Perlis-Duz-Khotimirsky 
(1911), it is Black to move and win.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

27/06/2012 - Mate in 2 (w)

Composed by Laimons Mangalis, 
in 1956, it is White to move and 
mate in 2 moves.
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

26/06/2012 - Mate in 4 (w)

Black won't resign, again!
We can all win from here as White 
but can you win it in 4?
(Solution on "Solutions" page,
updated regularly)