July 2012 Solutions

Solutions Listed in Chronological Order - Last updated (06/08/2012)
01/07/2012 - White's Best Move (w)

This move threatens 2.Rf8# and 
cuts Black can only avoid mate by 
losing his Queen.
1...h5!? is best and after 2.Qxe6+ 
it is a mate in 4 moves. 2...Kh7
3.Qxe4+ g6 4.Rf7+ Kh6 
5.Bf4+ g5 6.Qh6#
Rook Move:
1...Rxd6 2.Qb8+ Qc8 
3.Qxc8+ Rd8 4.Qxrd8#
Knight Move:
1...Nxd6 2.Qxe6+ Kh8 3.Rf8#

02/07/2012 - Karpov's Win (b)

The mate is either in 1 or 2 moves.
King Move:
2.Kh1 Nf2#
Pawn Move:
2.gxf3 Rg6+ 3.Kh8 Nf2#

03/07/2012 - From Gambit (b)

Now we can see why Black was 
happy to give up a Pawn for 
improved Bishop positioning.
King Move:
5.Ke2 Bg4+ and the White
Queen is captured.
Pawn Move:
5.g3 Bxg3+ 6.hxg3 Qxg3+
7.Ke2 Bg4 8.Nf3 Qxg3+ 
9.Ke1 Qg3 

04/07/2012 - Mate in 3 (w)
This one is quite straight forward 
once the first move is found.
1.Rb8+ Ke7 2.Bc5 Kf7 3.Rf8#

05/07/2012 - Mate in 4 (w)

1.Re7!! Kxe7 (1...Rxe7 2.Rd6+
Kxe5 3.Qb2#0 2.Rxd7+ Ke6
(2...Ke8 3.Kd6#) 3.Qc4+ Kxe5

06/07/2012 - Experts Beware (w)
And the Black King is trapped!
Queen Move:
1...Qxe2 (1...Qf3 2.Qxf3#) 
Bishop Move:
1...Bg3 [or anywhere] 2.Qe8#
Pawn Move:
1...d6 2.Be8#

07/07/2012 - Death or Glory (w)

Black's King is checked just in time.
1...hxg5 2.Re7+ Kf8 3.Qxg8#
1...fxg5 2.Re7+ Kf8 (2...Kf6 
3.Qxg7#) 3.Qxg7#

08/07/2012 - Mate in 2 (w)

This puzzle shows the importance 
of connected Rooks (especially 
when they are in the opponent's 
half of the board).
1.Qxh6+ gxh6 2.Rag8#
Simple but effective.

09/07/2012 - Mate in 2 Again (w)

A very nice little puzzle, solved 
with a nice quiet Queen move.
Pawn Move:
1...f6 2.Qe4#
King Move:
1...Kg6 2.Qxf7#
1...Kxf4 2.Qf6#
Bishop Move:
1...Bg7 (or 1...Bf8 or 1...Bg5) 
1...Bg6 2.Qe5#
1...Bxf4 2.Be4#
1...[any other Bishop move] 2.Qxf7#

10/07/2012 - For a While (w)

A very nice little puzzle, which is 
simple to solve once you notice the
Black King is cut off from the King 
side of the board.
With the threat of 2.Qd6#
Bishop Move:
1...Bb4 2.Ne5+ Kxc5 3.Qxb4#
1...Be5 2.Na5+ (2.Ne5+ also 
works but doesn't look as nice)
2...Kxc5 3.Qxe5#
1...[light-square Bishop move]
Knight Move:
1...N[anywhere] 2.Qb6#
King Move:
1...Kxc5 2.Qc7#

11/07/2012 - Best Move? (w)

This move threatens 2.Qc8+ or 
mate with Qe8 at some point, e.g. 
1...Rd8 2.Rxd8+ Bxd8 3.Qe8#
Black's best move is 1...h6.
White then takes with the Bishop
2.Bxd7 Bxd7 3.Rxd7
Not with the Rook as
2.Rxd7 Bxd6 
Is not as good for White.

12/07/2012 - Mate in 4 (b)

King Move:
1...Kg1 (or 1...Kf1) 2.Re1+ Rxe1 
Rook Move:
1...Rg3 2.Qxg3+ Kf1 3.Re1+ Rxe1

13/07/2012 - Zugzwang (w)

Note that 1.Kg4+ allows 1...Kg3
and the King escapes to secure a
1...Kh1 2.Nf1 h2 3.Ng3#

14/07/2012 - Mate in 2 (w)

This move avoids Black making 
useful checks or make a pin.
Rook Move:
1...Rd3+ (or any other Rook move)
Knight Move
1...Nc2 2.Bd5#
Bishop Move:
1...Ba3 (or 1...Bc1) 2.Qxc3#
Pawn Move:
1...a3 2.Qb5#

15/07/2012 - Advantage Me (w) 

Setting up a fork that Black can't 
1...Rxf8 2.Kxf8 Rxf8 3.Nxd7+
Simple but effective.

16/07/2012 - Mate in 4 (w) 

1.Qd5+ and the King is dead.
1...Ka6 2.Qa5+ Kb7 3.Qa7#
1...Kb4 (1...Ka4 Qc4#)
2.Kc6 Ka4 (2...[Knight move] 
Or best is...
1...Kxb6 2.Qc6+ Ka5 3.Qb7 Ka4
4.Kc6 Ka3 5.Qb5#

17/07/2012 - Devastation (w) 

This odd looking move starts to
create a mating net. There are 
dozens of continuations and below
are a few of them.
Pawn Move:
1...f1=Q+ 2.Ke3
Closing that net fully.
2...Qxf6 3.Bxe8#
Using a-file Rook to mate.
2...Qxg1+ 3.Rf2#
Using the Dark-squared Bishop to
Knight Move:
1...Nxb4 2.Bd3+ Nd5 (2...Kd4
3.dxc3#) 3.Rf7#
There are many more and this is a 
great puzzle to play with.

18/07/2012 - Endgame Puzzle (w) 

This move means that Black has
to promote on the a1 square one
move after this is covered by the
promoting h Pawn.
1...Kxb6 2.h4 and it is all over.
Otherwise, 1.h4 axb5 and both
players get a Queen and draw. 

19/07/2012 - Opening Blunder (w) 

This move regains the lost material
with advantage.  Black's best is
clearly to take the Bishop.
6...Kxf7 7.Qd5+ Ke8 (7...Kf8
8.Qxc5+) 8.Qxc5
And White has regained the material
with lack's King unable to castle.

20/07/2012 - Scotch Again (w) 

This move eyes the f7 square and
threatens mate.  Black has only one
8...Nh6 9.Bxh6 0-0 10.Bc1
Winning a piece for noting and
probably the game.

21/07/2012 - Black's Chance (b) 

To do

22/07/2012 - White 2 Win (w) 

To do

23/07/2012 - Tricky (w) 

To do

24/07/2012 - Easier (w) 

To do

21/07/2012 - Black's Chance (w) 

To do

21/07/2012 - Black's Chance (w) 

To do

21/07/2012 - Black's Chance (w) 

To do

21/07/2012 - Black's Chance (w) 

To do

21/07/2012 - Black's Chance (w) 

To do

1 comment:

  1. To #4 from 16/7:
    #4 cannot be solved in 5 moves as your solution but must end with mate at least in 4th move on any black move. The only correct solution to this famous #4 composed by late grandmaster Nenad Petrovic is 1.Qa6+ Kxa6 2.Kc6! any 3.b4 any 4.b5# or 1... Kb4 2.Qd3 any 3.Kc6 any 4.Qb5#
