June 2012 Solutions

Solutions Listed in Chronological Order - Last updated (01/07/2012)

06/06/2012 - Mate in 2 (w)
Taking the piece:
1.Be4 Nxe4 (1...Bxe4) 2.Bf4#
or 1...Rxe4 2.Rd5#
or 1...Kxe4 2.Re3#
King run:
1.Be4 Kc6 2.Qxe7#
Pawn move:
1.Bxe4 c6 2.Qf4#
All others:
1.Bxe4 [move] 2. Qf4# or 2.Qxe7#

07/06/2012 - Budapest Trap 1 (b)
Taking the piece:
5.fxe3 Qh4+ 6.g3 Qxg3#
All others:
5.[move] Nxd1

08/06/2012 - Win for White (w)
1.a4+ Kb6 2.Rc8! and the Black 
Queen is trapped, there are only 
delaying moves left.
2...h4 3.h3 Qa8 (3...Qb8 Rxb8)
4.Rxa8 with a win for White.

09/06/2012 - Win For Morphy (w)
Rook capture:
1...bxa6 2.b7#
Bishop move:
1...Be5 (or 1...B[move]) Rxa7#

10/06/2012 - Mate in 5 (w)
1.Rf8+ Kxf8 2.Qh8+ Kf7
3.Rf1+ Kg6 4.g4!
And the Black King is trapped.
Queen move:
4...Qxd4 5.Qh5#
King move:
4...Kg5 5.Qh5#


11/06/2012 - Fischer's Slip (w)
1.Kf1! Trapping the Black King
Rook move:
1...Rd8 2.Bf2+ Kh3 (2...Kh2 3.R7#)
Black's can only delay the loss by
sacrificing your Bishop.
1...Bf6 2.Rxf6 e5 (2...Rg8)
1...Bg7 2.Rxg7 Kxf3
But Black should resign.

12/06/2012 Quicker than Philidor (w)
1.Qe6+ Kh8 (1...Kf8 2.Qf7#)
2.Nf7+ Kg8
Philidor's mate continues:
3.Nh6+ Kh8 (3....Kf8 4.Qf7#)
4.Qg8+ Rxg8
But quicker is the continuation:
3.Nd8+! Kh8 (3...Kf8 4.Qf7#)

13/06/2012 Mate in 6 (w)
Take the piece:
1...fxg6 2.Qc3+ Qe5 3.Qxe5 Rf6
4.Qxf6 Kg8 5.Qg7#
Game move played:
1...Qe5 2.Qxh5#
Best move:
1...Qe4 2.Qxe4 Rxc6 3.Qd4+ f6
4.Qd1 Rf7 5.Qxh5+ Rh7 6.Qxh6#

14/06/2012 Mate in 2 (w)
A seemingly quiet move that puts
Black in Zugzwang (every move
Knight move:
Or any Knight move. 2.Qe2#
Pawn Move:
1...d5 2.Qc2#
1...b4 2.Nf4!!#
King Move:
1...Kd5 Nb4!!#

15/06/2012 Mate in 3 (w)
Only the Bishop can move and
there's no delaying move.
1...Be5 2.e8=Q Bb8 3.Qxb8#
However note, that 1.Rg8 and 
other Rook moves fail to mate in 
3 because 1...Bd6 allows 
2.e8=Q Bf7 delaying the mate.
the mate

16/06/2012 Best Move and Mate (b)
It is actually a mate in 2.
The only move is 2.bxc3 and
2...Ba3# wins

17/06/2012 Mate in 3 (w)
The winning move is the quiet
King move:
1...Kc7 2.Qg4! 
2...Kd8 (2...Kb8 3.Qc8#) 3.Qd7# 
2...Kb7 (2...e4 3.Qc8#) 3.Qc8#
Pawn move:
1...e4 2.Qg4 a6 3.Qc8#
or most beautiful...
1...a6 2.Qa6!! Kxa6 (2...Kb8 
3.Qc8#) 3.Bc8#

18/06/2012 Mate in 3 (w)
Note how Black has no checks 
or King moves.
1...Qf4 2.Ra8+ Qf8 3.Rxa8#
with many variations of this:
1...Q[move] 2.Ra8+ Q[sac]
Note that:
1...Qb7 or 1...Qg8  leads to the 
immediate 2.Rh2#

19/06/2012 - Black to Win (b)
White is beat, as there are no 
useful moves.
Knight move:
2.Ne2 Bf5 and the Rook's gone.
King move:
2.Kf2 d2 3.Nxd2 Rxd2 4.Re2 Qc5
5.Kg2 Bd5 5.Kh3 Qb5 6.Rxd2 is 
a mistake 6...Qf1+ mate next move.

20/06/2012 - Battle after the War (w)
Black can either lose 
their Queen or get mated quicker!
Queen move:
1...Qxd5 2.Nxd5+ mate in 9!
Rook move:
1...Rxd5 2.Rxf7 Rh5 3.Nx8e+ Re5 
4.Rf8!+ Qg8 5.Qxe5#

21/06/2012 - Black Death (w)
King move:
1...Ke8 2.Qe7#
Pawn move:
1...hxg5 2.Nc6+ Ke8 3.Re7#
Rook move:
1...Rf6 2.Nc6+ Ke8 3.Re7+ Kf7 

22/06/2012 - Knight in Shining Armour (w)
1.Qf7+ Nxf7 2.Ne6#
Very simple and effective!

23/06/2012 - Crushing White Victory (w)
The Black King has nowhere to go.
Pawn move:
1...c3 2.Nd3#
E Knight move:
1...Nc2 (or anywhere) 2.Rc2#
D Knight move:
1...Nb2 (or anywhere) 2.Qc2#

24/06/2012 - Use the Net! (w)
White has created a mating net 
Black cannot escape from.
King Move:
1...Kb6 2.Bc2#
Bishop Move:
1...Be4 2.Qb7#
Rook Move:
1...Rc3+ (1...Rg6+ 2.Be6#) 2.Bd5#

25/06/2012 - Resign (w)

A very tough move to find, but 
the mate is now easy to see.
1...Kg7 2.Qb7+! 
And the King is caught next move.
2...Kh8 3.Qb2#
2...Kf8 (or 2...Kh6)3.h8=Q#
2...Kf6 3.Rb6#

26/06/2012 - Mate in 4 (w)
The trick here is imagine where 
you want the redundant Rook to 
be positioned.
1.Nb1 c3 2.Ke2 c2 3.Rc1!!
All is clear!
3...cxb2=Q 4.Rc8#

27/06/2012 - Mate in 2 (w)
This move allows the White Queen 
to come in for the mate.
Rook Move:
1...Re5 (1...Rc7 2.Qe5#) 2.Qxe5#
1...Rc4 2.Qxc4#
Bishop Move:
1...Bc6 2.Qc5#

28/06/2012 - Advantage Black (b)
White must capture the Rook, as 
any other move loses the Queen,
e.g. 2.a3 Rxf8+ 3.Kxf8
2.Qxe1 Nxf3+ 3.Rxf3 (3.Kf1 
Nxe1) 3...Qxe1+
Leaving a clear advantage for 

29/06/2012 - Greedy Black (w)
Black has fallen into a famous trap!
6.d5 Nb8 (6...Ne5 7.Nxe5 dxe5 
8.Qa4+ Bd7 9.Qxe4) 7.Qa4+ Bd7
And White is a piece up. Best play 
might be 6...Bd7 7.dxc6 Bxc6
Getting 2 Pawns for the Knight.

30/06/2012 - Mate in 3 (w)
1.Rxg7+ Kh8 2.Rg8+ Kxg8 
There is nothing White can do 